Vibration Training

One of the most basic and important exercises is the squat. To perform a squat on a 3G Cardio® AVT™ Vibration Machine stand with feet shoulder-width apart on the vibration platform....

Whether it’s a trainer trying to help prospects get ready for the NFL Draft, or the average couple next door, accelerated vibration training can help people from all walks of life achieve better fitness. [caption id="attachment_450" align="alignright" width="207"] A squat is one of the countless exercises...

Get in, get out and leave with as good a workout as you can get.

Updated 6/15/18 – For many people, that's the description in a nutshell of what it's like to exercise on the new 2012 3G Cardio 5 AVT™ Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio 6 AVT™ Accelerated Vibration Training Plate. An accelerated vibration training (AVT) workout is a lot more similar to exercising with free weights or exercise machines than a treadmill or elliptical machine.

If you’ve never heard of a vibration training machine, chances are it sounds pretty questionable. Stand on a machine and exercise? Yeah right. We get that. However, an accelerated vibration training machine is something you should really consider getting. It’s the fastest growing area of the...

The 3G Cardio 6.0, 5.0 or 3.0 vibration machine can help you get a fantastic back massage, in addition to being great for strength training and stretching. Let the rapid movement of the 3G Cardio Vibration Training platform cause the back muscles to relax and be...

A solid and thorough upper body stretch can be achieved on a 3G Cardio 6.0, 5.0 or 3.0 vibration machine, which can help improve mobility and prevent serious injuries. Anyone who’s serious about physical fitness, or has participated in athletics should know what rehab is as...

Anyone who’s serious about physical fitness, or has participated in athletics should know what rehab is as it pertains to muscles, ligaments and tendons. Most likely, you’ve gone through some type of rehab at one time or another. Rehabilitation describes specialized healthcare dedicated to improving, maintaining...

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