Commercial Fitness Equipment for Apartment Complexes

An added perk of any apartment complex is a nice fitness room.

If you’re the apartment complex owner or manager, picking out which equipment to get isn’t as easy as you might think.

Many managers either “under buy” or “over buy” their exercise equipment. 

An apartment complex fitness room probably doesn’t get anywhere near as much use as a busy “membership” commercial gym.

So why buy the same equipment as the local gym, which might even be a 24-hour facility?

On the other hand, don’t under buy the equipment for the apartment complex. You still need fitness equipment rated and warrantied for commercial use and most residential equipment will not have a commercial warranty. 

The 3G Cardio Company, based in Arizona is the best choice for award-winning, light to medium duty commercial exercise equipment, which is backed with a full corporate warranty.

Consider 3G Cardio Commercial Fitness Equipment as the perfect middle ground.  There are not many fitness equipment manufactures in the fitness industry who make light to medium duty commercial exercise equipment.

The 3G Cardio commercial fitness equipment features products that are rated for 6-8 hours usage per day. 3G Cardio equipment is perfect for the “non-membership” corporate environment like apartment buildings and smaller gyms.

The 3G Cardio Commercial Fitness Equipment Products fill that in-between market very well for light to medium duty commercial fitness equipment.  3G Cardio is a smart choice for high quality commercial products at a price point that will work for most budgets!

Remember, 3G Cardio is the best choice when it comes to Commercial Fitness Equipment for Apartment Complexes.